I have a lot to say. Finding the time to say it is a different story. I've made this blog mostly about my family's personal travel experiences, but I'm wanting to branch out a bit more. I've got so much going on: full time job, two young kids, weight loss challenges, my changing perception of self as I get older... I've got lots to say but don't often take the time for self-reflection.
Does anyone care? I don't know, but I care. My life has changed so much in the past three years. Here's a rundown of where I am:
- FT working lawyer at a small firm. Not sure I ever want to make partner. Not sure I even want to work FT going forward. I kind of hate being a lawyer somedays but I'm not sure what else I could do. Is cutting back even an option? At least I enjoy my workplace.
- Mom of two young boys. Trying to balance being "fun" with also raising respectful and responsible young men. It's a job.
- Wife. We barely have time for each other any longer but are struggling to maintain closeness.
- Former beach junkie dealing with the fact that I don't fit into my impressive bikini collection at the moment. Will my recently discovered thyroid issues prevent me from ever getting back to where I want to be (need to be) to be healthy and confident?
- Former good friend who is now not so good. I don't have time for long phone conversations and my best friends live outside the state. Texts and short emails will have to do.
- Wanderer. Nomad. There is still that part of me that wants to travel the world. I want to learn how to sail. I want to learn to speak Spanish. It's easy to say "later." I've seen enough to know that later isn't guaranteed.
Posted by
Your Clueless Captain
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
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